
09 November 2018

The Battles in My Mind

Self care is also not arguing with
people who are committed to
misunderstanding you.

A.A. Akanbi

I saw this quote today and was struck immediately by how much energy I waste in these kind of arguments. These arguments are utterly futile as they generally never even materialise outside my own head. There is no greater waste of brain space.

There are a few people I expend a ridiculous amount of wholly unproductive mental energy on in these imaginary arguments. These people have a few things in common: they are men, they always think they're right, even about things of which they know nothing (like my inner world), arguing with them virtually or in real life creates a vicious cycle of anger and further misunderstanding, which is wholly counterproductive. But I can't stop perseverating on these unresolved conflicts, so I formulate and refine my attack, evidence, and counterpoints over, and over, and over, and over, for days, weeks, months, years, decades, never finding any resolve. I know its futile. I know it solves nothing. I know its exhausting for me and leaves them completely unscathed, which builds resentment and further entrenches the cycle.

I need to lay down my (s)words, pick up my pen, and write away the battles in my mind.